Thursday, September 20, 2007

Time to Focus

The edits are done for Rachael's Return and A Fair Trader and the former is due for release this month with A Fair Trader to follow within the next thirty days. I've submitted a partial of The Countess and the Pirates to Samhain and have four weeks (on past experience) to complete the manuscript.

That means Focus, Focus, Focus.

All the time-wasting habits must go to the wall. Yahoo groups will get a single glance during the morning hour of administrative duties, as will my fellow author's blogs and nothing more. I hope the world doesn't end in the next four weeks, because I mightn't even notice.

See you sometime mid-October.



Anonymous said...

Congrats on today's new release, Amy. Here's wishing you lots of sales. It sounds as though you're busy. Happy writing and good luck with Samhain!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Shelley.
Back to the grindstone for me,