Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The encouraging response from Allen & Unwin had a strange effect. Its measured praise for my writing told me I'd reached the end of the beginning after ten years of effort and must step up a level and realize my cast of characters and story concept as I've never managed before.

I'm back into the creative stage of the story, re-examining every step of its journey, pondering the motivations and testing their truths. Later, I'll look at the storytelling itself, ratcheting up its excitement, pruning the indulgences.

Oddly, there's no impatience. I know what I have to do and it will be finished when it's finished--and not before.

It's a great life!

Amy (for the moment)

1 comment:

Shelley Munro said...

It sounds as if your writing is going well. That's great!